Everything You Need to Know About Farm Insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Farm Insurance

Everything You Need to Know About Farm Insurance

Did you know that there are approximately 85,681 farm businesses in Australia, most of which are owned and operated by families? 

This number is astounding yet understandable, due to the amount of vast open farming plains that Australia has to offer and the amount of mouths that there are to feed. 

With this statistic it is obvious that it’s about time we discussed Farm Insurance. If you’re a farmer then it is important that you protect yourself and your business. To help we’ve compiled a list of the top things you need to know about Farm Insurance in Australia.

What is Farm Insurance?

Farm Insurance can help protect your farm and your family during any large or small scale incidents that occur on the farm. Many issues can cost you dearly in time and money if you’re not protected, and it can be difficult to bounce back. 

Therefore, if you’re a large-scale crop grower, livestock producer or if you have a family or hobby farm of any size you should invest in this insurance.

What Does it Cover?

Your policy can be tailored to suit your needs. It can help cover the costs associated with many incidents that your farm or family may be subject to, including during bushfires, machinery breakdowns, personal and guest illness or injuries that happen while on the farm property.

Home Property

This insurance will cover your domestic property and belongings from all defined events and accidental damage. 

This can cover everything from buildings, contents, personal effects, legal liability and domestic workers compensation cover.

Farm Property

Much like home property, this insurance can protect you from damages caused to your farm property. This can include all physical loss and damage that is caused to your farm buildings or equipment by your defined events or as a result of accidental damage.

Public & Products Liability

In farming, you are likely to have a range of third parties who you are liable for, as well as this if you’re shipping out produce then your risk is heightened in this area as you are liable for all products that you sell.

Having liability insurance included in your plan will ensure you are protected from any claims by third parties for personal injury, property damage, and legal costs that are connected to your farming business.

Accident & Sickness Cover

Everyone gets sick every now and then, and injuries are bound to occur in your line of work. But if you don’t have anyone to cover for you while you’re recovering it can make it hard to stay afloat. 

Save yourself the extra stress by investing in Farm Insurance. It will ensure that you receive regular payments so you can keep your business running smoothly while you take the necessary time to recover. 


If your livestock are the heart of your business then losing them, especially unexpectedly, can be stressful not just emotionally but also financially. To help make any losses slightly less painful you can ensure your cover includes livestock insurance covering the death or loss of your livestock due to specified events.

Machinery Breakdown

Similar to motor vehicle insurance, your Farm Insurance cover can be tailored to protect you from any financial losses incurred by machinery breakdowns.

We know farmers rely heavily on their machinery to get things done efficiently and properly around the farm and when things go wrong it can cause a lot of stress. 

That’s why it’s important to invest in insurance that will ensure you’re protected from farm machinery damages including damage to electrical and mechanical machinery, boilers and pressure vessels, and any damage caused by these breakdowns. 

To start the process of better protecting your farm business you can visit our website or contact us to request a quote. 


Australian Farmers – https://farmers.org.au/farm-facts/#:~:text=There%20are%20approximately%2085%2C681%20farm,of%20food%20consumed%20in%20Australia