Safeguarding Your Business with Trade Credit Insurance: An Essential Guide for Australian Enterprises

Essential Guide to Trade Credit Insurance for Australian Businesses: Protect Your Financial Future

Explore the benefits and implementation of trade credit insurance for Australian businesses. Learn how to mitigate financial risks and enhance stability with this comprehensive guide.

In Australia’s dynamic business environment of 2024, managing financial risks is crucial for sustaining growth and ensuring long-term success. Trade credit insurance is an invaluable tool against financial uncertainties in credit transactions. 

This guide explores the vital role of trade credit insurance and its significance for businesses operating in Australia.

Understanding Trade Credit Insurance

Trade credit insurance acts as a safeguard for businesses, protecting against the financial impact of customers defaulting on payments or declaring insolvency. This insurance helps maintain healthy cash flow and economic stability by mitigating lousy debt risks.

Coverage Overview

Trade credit insurance covers unpaid receivables, allowing businesses to focus on core operations without worrying about unpaid invoices. This is particularly important for companies offering credit terms, such as 30-day payment periods, domestically and internationally.

Critical Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance in Australia

Australian businesses can leverage several benefits from trade credit insurance:

  • Risk Reduction: Minimizes the financial risks associated with customer non-payment, ensuring businesses can recover a substantial portion of potential losses.
  • Cash Flow Stability: Ensures access to funds tied up in unpaid receivables, which is crucial for managing cash flow effectively.
  • Facilitating Growth: Enables businesses to expand their customer base by offering extended payment terms with reduced risk. This competitive edge is valuable in both local and global markets.
  • Enhancing Credibility: Demonstrates a commitment to financial stability, which can attract and retain customers by showcasing a prudent financial strategy.

How to Implement Trade Credit Insurance

Implementing trade credit insurance involves a detailed analysis of a business’s credit portfolio to identify risks and determine suitable coverage terms.

How Coverage Works

Once a trade credit insurance policy is in place, the insurer commits to covering a portion of outstanding payments if customers fail to pay. Additionally, insurers may pursue legal action against defaulting customers to recover losses, provide financial compensation and assistance in debt recovery, and reduce the administrative burden on the insured business.

Who Benefits from Trade Credit Insurance?

A wide range of businesses can benefit from trade credit insurance:

  • Businesses Dependent on Receivables: This is particularly beneficial for wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and service providers that rely heavily on receivable income. For these businesses, a single default can significantly impact their financial health.
  • Businesses Seeking Financing: Trade credit insurance can enhance lender confidence, making it easier to secure financing. Lenders are more likely to offer favourable terms when receivables are insured, as it lowers the perceived risk.

Customising Trade Credit Insurance for Your Business

Trade credit insurance is crucial in uncertain economic times. It allows businesses to explore new markets and customer segments, and this financial safety net is essential for navigating economic downturns and emerging stronger.

Customisation Options

Industry-Specific Policies: Tailored coverage to address the unique risks of different industries. For example, a construction company will have different needs than a tech firm, necessitating customised policies.

Flexible Limits: 

Adjusting coverage limits to reflect seasonal sales changes or customer payment behaviours ensures businesses are adequately insured throughout the year.

Customer-Based Coverage: 

Policies can offer varying levels of coverage based on the creditworthiness of different customer groups. This allows businesses to optimise insurance costs and align premiums with actual risk exposure.

Trade credit insurance is a strategic tool for Australian businesses to manage credit risks and enhance financial stability. It provides essential protection for cash flow and supports business growth, making it a wise choice for companies aiming to secure their financial future.

Partner with Business Insurance Consulting

For personalised advice and tailored solutions on trade credit insurance, engage with Business Insurance Consulting

Our expert team is committed to helping your business navigate the complexities of today’s market, ensuring you are well-prepared to face financial challenges and seize opportunities.


Comprehensive Guide to Management Liability Insurance for Australian Businesses in 2024

Essential Management Liability Insurance Guide for Australian Businesses 2024

Securing robust management liability insurance is essential in Australian business’s dynamic and rapidly changing landscape. This guide will explain why management liability insurance protects your company against unforeseen risks and liabilities.

Understanding Management Liability Insurance

Management liability insurance is an indispensable safeguard for businesses in Australia. It offers protection against various risks that could lead to significant financial losses. This comprehensive insurance solution shields companies from exposures, including wrongful acts, employment-related liabilities, corporate criminal charges, fiduciary breaches, statutory liabilities, and penalties from tax audits.

Extensive Coverage: What’s Included?

Management liability insurance offers broad coverage, encompassing:

Wrongful Acts: Protection against claims alleging mismanagement, misconduct, or illegal acts by business leaders.

Employment Practices Liability: Shields against employee claims of wrongful dismissal, harassment, or discrimination.

Corporate Criminal Liability: Defense against legal actions for alleged corporate misconduct.

Fiduciary Liability: Protection against claims of breaches of fiduciary duty.

Statutory Liability: Coverage for penalties and fines due to violations of laws and regulations.

Tax Audits and Penalties: Assistance with costs associated with tax audits and any resulting penalties.

This insurance protects directors and officers from personal financial losses related to business management activities, ensuring legal costs are covered and peace of mind is maintained.

The Critical Importance of Management Liability Insurance

In Australia’s stringent regulatory environment, businesses must navigate a complex web of laws and regulations. Management liability insurance is a vital defence layer, offering financial protection and peace of mind against the inherent risks in business operations, particularly those involving complex decision-making processes.

Without this coverage, personal and business assets could be at risk if legal actions allege wrongdoing. Management liability insurance ensures comprehensive protection, safeguarding assets against such claims.

Beyond Basic Coverage: Added Advantages

Choosing the right management liability insurance policy can unlock valuable risk management services and professional advice. These services help businesses proactively identify and mitigate potential threats, ensuring operational integrity and legal compliance.

Securing Your Management Liability Insurance

In today’s legal and financial climate, securing management liability insurance is crucial for any business operating in Australia. It represents a strategic investment in your business’s resilience, offering protection and peace of mind amid uncertainty.

Business Insurance Consulting is a leading provider of tailored management liability insurance solutions that meet your business requirements. Our expertise and experience in the insurance industry make us your ideal partner in navigating the complexities of insurance coverage, ensuring your business is equipped to face challenges confidently.

Why Management Liability Insurance is Non-Negotiable

In conclusion, management liability insurance is not merely an option—Australian businesses must successfully navigate today’s complex business environment. It provides a critical safety net, ensuring your business is well-prepared and protected against unforeseen challenges.

To strengthen your business with comprehensive management liability insurance, consider partnering with Business Insurance Consulting

Our commitment to excellence and tailored solutions will give you an advantage in securing the right coverage, empowering you to focus on leading your business to success.


“Securing Your Business: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Insurance”

“Business Insurance Guide: How to Choose the Right Protection for Your Company”

Why Business Insurance is Crucial for Your Company

As a business owner, safeguarding your investment and ensuring the continuity of your operations should be a top priority. 

Business insurance guarantees that your livelihood is protected against unforeseen events. 

This guide will explore the importance of business insurance, the various types available, and how to select the most suitable coverage for your business needs.

Understanding Business Insurance: Coverage Essentials

Business insurance shields your company from risks that could disrupt operations and impact profitability. The right insurance coverage ensures you are prepared for any eventuality, from accidents on premises resulting in injuries to customers or employees to natural disasters affecting your physical assets.

Why You Need Business Insurance:

  • Legal Protection: Covers legal fees and settlements if your business is sued.
  • Asset Protection: Helps repair or replace property damaged by disasters.
  • Operational Continuity: Supports your business in recovering from unexpected interruptions.

Exploring Types of Business Insurance: What’s Available?

Choosing the right business insurance involves understanding the various types specific to your industry and operational needs. Common types of business insurance include:

  • General Liability Insurance: Protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage.
  • Property Insurance: Covers loss or damage to your business property, including premises and equipment.
  • Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions): Ideal for service providers, covering negligence claims.
  • Workers’ Compensation: Provides compensation to employees for injuries incurred at work.
  • Business Interruption Insurance: Compensates for lost income when business operations are halted.

The Benefits of Having Comprehensive Business Insurance

Investing in comprehensive business insurance protects your financial assets and offers peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Key benefits include:

  • Risk Management: Mitigates the risks associated with property damage, lawsuits, and other liabilities.
  • Financial Stability: Ensures stability by covering unexpected financial losses.
  • Credibility: Enhances your business’s credibility with clients, indicating that you are prepared and responsible.

How to Select the Right Business Insurance Policy

Selecting the appropriate business insurance policy is a critical decision for any business owner. Here’s how to make the right choice:

  • Assess Your Risks: Understand the specific risks associated with your business type and industry.
  • Compare Policies: Look at different policies and what they offer. Consider coverage limits and exclusions.
  • Consult Professionals: Work with experienced insurance consultants who can provide personalised advice and find policies that best fit your needs.

Getting the Best Deals on Business Insurance

Securing a favourable deal on business insurance requires research and strategic planning. Here are steps to ensure you get the best value:

  • Market Research: Understand what typical insurance policies cost and what they cover.
  • Professional Assistance: Leverage the expertise of insurance consultants to navigate complex options and negotiate better terms.
  • Regular Reviews: Review and adjust your insurance policies regularly to reflect any changes in your business structure or operations.

Importance of Regular Policy Review

Regularly reviewing your business insurance policy is crucial to maintaining adequate coverage. It helps you adjust your policy in response to changes in your business size, operations, or industry regulations, ensuring that your coverage meets your current needs.

Protect Your Business with the Right Insurance

Choosing the right business insurance is essential to securing your business’s future. By understanding the types of coverage available and working with professionals, you can ensure that your business is well-protected against all possible contingencies. 
Contact Business Insurance Consulting today to find the ideal insurance solution tailored to your business needs.


“Essential Insurance Policies for Healthcare Businesses: A Complete Guide”

“Key Insurance Types Every Healthcare Business Needs to Thrive”

The Importance of Insurance for Healthcare Businesses

Operating a healthcare business comes with inherent risks, from patient care responsibilities to managing high-value assets. 

This guide highlights the critical insurance policies that healthcare businesses, such as physical therapy clinics and chiropractic offices, should have to mitigate these risks effectively. Understanding the specific risks associated with your practice and addressing them with appropriate insurance coverage is essential for operational stability and long-term success.

Case Study: Proactive Risk Management in Action

Dr S Tarek Shalabi, owner and co-founder of Cosmetic Doctor Brisbane, provides a practical example of how crucial insurance is for healthcare establishments. Specialising in non-surgical cosmetic medicine, his practice carries essential policies like public liability, professional indemnity insurance, and contents insurance due to the high value of their injectables. Dr. Shalabi’s experience highlights the importance of being proactive in risk management. He credits his insurer’s support, which includes access to medicolegal experts and extensive online resources, as fundamental in avoiding claims and enhancing patient care quality.

Comprehensive Coverage: Essential Insurance for Healthcare Businesses

Healthcare businesses face diverse risks, from malpractice claims to property damage and theft. A robust risk management strategy, including insurance coverage, is vital for their operation and sustainability. Here are the primary insurance types needed:

Professional Indemnity Insurance

This insurance is critical for protecting against claims of negligence or substandard care provided by healthcare professionals. It covers legal defence costs, settlements, and judgments, safeguarding the professional’s career and financial stability. Moreover, it reassures patients about the quality and safety of their care, which can be crucial for retaining clientele and enhancing the business’s reputation.

Public Liability Insurance

Essential for any business that interacts with the public, this insurance covers claims of personal injury or property damage caused by business operations or incidents on business premises. It’s particularly vital for clinics and offices where high patient traffic increases the likelihood of accidents, ensuring that the business can continue operations without crippling financial consequences.

Business Pack Insurance

This policy covers the physical assets of a healthcare business, such as medical equipment and office furniture, against risks like fire, theft, or vandalism. It also includes coverage for business interruption, ensuring financial stability during unexpected closures. This insurance is indispensable, mainly when specialised equipment, which can be extremely costly to replace, plays a critical role in business operations.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Mandatory for businesses with employees, this insurance provides medical benefits and wage replacement for employees who incur work-related injuries or illnesses. It helps cover medical expenses and lost wages and protects the business from lawsuits by injured employees. It’s a fundamental aspect of employer responsibilities and contributes to a safer, more supportive workplace environment.

Cyber Insurance

As healthcare businesses digitise their operations, they become targets for cyber threats. Cyber insurance helps mitigate the costs associated with data breaches, including legal fees, notification costs, and credit monitoring for affected patients. This insurance is increasingly becoming a necessity as healthcare providers store more sensitive patient data electronically, which, if compromised, could lead to significant reputational and financial losses.

Ensuring You Have the Right Coverage

It’s crucial for healthcare business owners to regularly review their insurance policies with a professional broker to ensure they have adequate coverage that matches their current operational needs. An annual review, or a review following any significant change in operations or business size, can help keep your coverage up-to-date and comprehensive.

Safeguard Your Healthcare Business with Adequate Insurance

Healthcare businesses require tailored insurance solutions to address their unique challenges and risks. Understanding and obtaining the right insurance policies can protect your business from significant financial and reputational harm. Consult with Business Insurance Consulting to tailor your insurance coverage effectively. Safeguarding your business with the right insurance is not just a regulatory requirement but an intelligent business strategy.


Navigating Financial Security: How Trade Credit Insurance Shields Australian Businesses

Trade Credit Insurance: Safeguarding Australian Businesses Against Financial Risks

In today’s unpredictable business world, Australian companies face many challenges, from the ever-changing regulatory landscape to the natural disaster risks inherent to the continent. 

In such a volatile environment, securing tailored insurance solutions is not a luxury but a fundamental necessity for safeguarding businesses’ financial health and operational continuity. 

The Australian Business Ecosystem: A Diverse and Dynamic Arena

Australia’s business landscape is as diverse as it is vibrant, encompassing various sectors with distinct risks and challenges. The variety is staggering, from the bustling urban cafes to the expansive mining operations in the remote Outback.

A Look at the Numbers:

As of the latest figures 2019, Australia is home to over 2.3 million actively trading businesses.

A staggering 97.5% of these businesses are classified as small businesses, employing between 0 to 19 employees.

This diversity underscores the inadequacy of a one-size-fits-all approach to insurance, highlighting the need for customised solutions that cater to each business’s specific risks.

The Impact of Australia’s Climate on Business Operations

Australia’s unique climate and geographical positioning expose businesses to various natural disasters, including bushfires, cyclones, and floods. These events disrupt business operations and can lead to significant financial losses.

Case in Point:

The Black Summer bushfires of 2019-2020 resulted in insurance losses exceeding AUD 2.2 billion, a stark reminder of the importance of having comprehensive insurance coverage tailored to regional risks.

Navigating Legal and Regulatory Landscapes

Australian businesses are bound by many legal and insurance requirements, with workers’ compensation being a notable example. However, navigating these requirements can be daunting, especially given the variations in state regulations.

Expert Advice:

Business Insurance Consulting highlights the criticality of aligning insurance solutions with legal and regulatory requirements to ensure compliance and optimal protection.

The Perils of Over or Under-insurance

Financial prudence is paramount in business. Tailored insurance solutions prevent the pitfalls of over-insurance, where businesses waste resources on unnecessary coverage, and under-insurance, where they are left vulnerable to risks.

A Concerning Trend:

Research indicates that 29% of small businesses in Australia are underinsured, which could cause them to collapse in the event of a significant incident.

The Evolving Nature of Business Risks

Technology has ushered in new threats, such as cyber-attacks, which have become increasingly prevalent. In 2019, Australian businesses witnessed a 15% surge in cyber incidents, underscoring the need for insurance solutions that evolve with emerging risks.

The Value of Expertise and Customisation

Business Insurance Consulting offers personalised attention and expert insights into each business’s risk profile. Their approach involves a comprehensive risk assessment to ensure that insurance solutions are precisely tailored to the needs of each company.

The Assurance of Comprehensive Protection

Tailored insurance solutions give businesses the peace of mind to focus on growth, innovation, and service delivery. Knowing that the industry is well-protected against potential financial setbacks enables business owners to navigate the future confidently.

Contributing to Economic Stability and Growth

On a broader scale, customised insurance solutions are crucial in fostering economic stability and growth. By ensuring that businesses can swiftly recover from setbacks, they help preserve jobs and contribute to the Australian economy’s overall resilience.

Economic Contribution:

Insurance payouts related to business interruptions are estimated to retain approximately AUD 7.4 billion within the Australian economy annually.

In conclusion, the insurance landscape for Australian businesses transcends mere regulatory compliance. It’s about strategically crafting insurance solutions that align with each business’s unique needs, challenges, and aspirations. 

By opting for tailored insurance solutions, such as those provided by Business Insurance Consulting, companies safeguard their financial security and position themselves to thrive amidst challenges.


Future-Proofing Your Enterprise: The Ultimate Guide to Trade Credit Insurance in Australia

Ensuring Business Continuity with Trade Credit Insurance in Australia | 2024 Insights

In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable business environment, Australian enterprises face many risks that can threaten their stability and growth. 

From the volatility of the global market to the intricacies of local regulations, the path to business success is fraught with potential pitfalls. 

Trade credit insurance is among the most critical tools a business can use to navigate these challenges. 

This guide, brought to you by Business Insurance Consulting, delves into the essential nature of trade credit insurance and its pivotal role in safeguarding Australian businesses.

Understanding the Landscape of Business Risks

The first step in protecting your business is recognising the diverse array of risks it faces. 

These risks are multifaceted and can vary significantly based on factors such as your industry, the size of your business, and the regulatory environment in which you operate. 

Potential risks include, but are not limited to, financial loss due to professional errors, data breaches, legal disputes, property damage, and operational disruptions. Each of these risks can disrupt daily operations and, in severe cases, threaten the very survival of your business.

Tailored Insurance Solutions from Business Insurance Consulting

At Business Insurance Consulting, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of insurance solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Our goal is to mitigate risks and ensure your business’s resilience. Here’s a closer look at the vital insurance policies we recommend:

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance

In professional services, the risk of causing a client financial loss due to erroneous advice or services is ever-present. Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to cover the costs associated with legal defence and potential compensation claims, thus safeguarding financial stability.

  • Public and Products Liability Insurance

Whether you’re operating a retail store or a manufacturing unit, the possibility of causing injury or damage to third parties is a constant risk. Public and Products Liability Insurance provides essential protection against claims resulting from injuries or property damage caused by your business operations or products.

  • Management Liability Insurance

This insurance is vital for protecting company directors and officers against claims related to mismanagement. It covers legal defence costs, potential fines, and penalties, protecting individual and company assets.

  • Cyber Insurance

In our increasingly digital world, cyber threats pose a significant risk to businesses of all sizes. Cyber Insurance covers financial losses related to data breaches or cyber-attacks, providing a crucial safety net in today’s digital landscape.

  • Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance is critical for maintaining cash flow if your business operations are halted due to an insured event, such as a fire or natural disaster. It compensates for lost income and covers operating expenses during the interruption period.

  • Workers Compensation Insurance

Worker’s compensation insurance is a mandatory requirement in Australia. It protects employees who become ill or injured due to work and ensures they receive necessary medical care and compensation.

  • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers may face lawsuits because their decisions affect the company. This insurance protects them against losses from such lawsuits and related legal expenses.

Choosing the Right Insurance Consulting Service

Selecting the appropriate insurance consulting service is as crucial as the insurance policies. 

Business Insurance Consulting differentiates itself by deeply understanding your business’s unique challenges and risks. Our team of seasoned experts collaborates with you to identify potential hazards and tailor insurance solutions to effectively mitigate them, ensuring comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

Mitigating Risk and Securing Your Business’s Future

The importance of the right insurance coverage cannot be overstated. It is critical to your risk management strategy, ensuring your business’s sustainability and success. 

At Business Insurance Consulting, our commitment to helping you minimise risk through our comprehensive consulting services is unwavering. We understand that your business’s success relies on maximising profits and effectively minimising risks.

In Australia’s complex and ever-changing business landscape, staying ahead of potential risks is essential. 

Trade credit insurance, along with the suite of insurance solutions offered by Business Insurance Consulting, provides the security and confidence you need to navigate the business world’s uncertainties. 

By partnering with us, you gain access to expert advice, customised insurance solutions, and the assurance that your business is well-equipped to face any challenge that comes its way.

Remember, your business’s longevity and prosperity depend on profit maximisation and effective risk minimisation. 
Let Business Insurance Consulting be your partner in future-proofing your enterprise, ensuring a secure and prosperous path forward in the Australian business landscape.


Securing Your Business’s Future: The Role of Trade Credit Insurance in Australia

Maximising Business Stability with Trade Credit Insurance in Australia | 2024 Guide

In the competitive and ever-evolving Australian business landscape of 2024, managing financial risks is necessary and a strategic imperative for longevity and success. 

Among the myriad risk management tools available, trade credit insurance emerges as a pivotal solution, providing businesses with a robust defence against the financial uncertainties inherent in credit transactions. 

This comprehensive guide delves deeper into the essence of trade credit insurance, highlighting its critical importance for Australian businesses.

What is Trade Credit Insurance?

Trade credit insurance serves as a protective barrier for businesses against the financial repercussions of customers defaulting on payments or facing insolvency. It’s a strategic asset in risk management, designed to shield companies from the adverse effects of bad debt, thereby supporting the maintenance of a healthy cash flow.

Coverage at a Glance

Specifically, trade credit insurance safeguards against the risk of unpaid receivables, enabling businesses to concentrate on their primary operations without the burden of unpaid invoices or escalating debts. 

This insurance is especially crucial for companies offering customers credit terms, such as 30-day payment periods, in domestic and international arenas.

The Benefits of Trade Credit Insurance in Australia

Trade credit insurance stands out for its ability to offer several key advantages to Australian businesses:

Risk Mitigation: It drastically reduces the financial risks associated with customer non-payment, assuring businesses that they can recover a significant portion of debts that might otherwise be lost.

Cash Flow Assurance: Guarantees access to funds in unpaid receivables, facilitating smoother cash flow management. 

This is particularly vital for businesses whose operations depend heavily on the liquidity provided by timely payments.

Growth Support: Enables enterprises to safely expand their customer base by offering extended payment terms without heightened risk. This strategic advantage makes firms more competitive in local and international markets.

Reputation Enhancement: Bolsters a company’s credibility by showcasing a commitment to financial prudence to potential and existing customers. This can be a decisive factor for clients when choosing between competitors.

Implementing Trade Credit Insurance: The Process

Adopting trade credit insurance requires a thorough assessment of a business’s credit portfolio to identify potential risks and establish appropriate coverage terms.

The Coverage Mechanism

Once a coverage agreement is in place, the insurer pledges to cover a specified percentage of outstanding payments in case of customer payment failure. 

Furthermore, insurers may take legal action against defaulting customers to recoup any losses incurred. This dual approach provides financial compensation and assists in recovery, minimising the administrative and legal burdens on the insured business.

Who Stands to Benefit?

Trade credit insurance is advantageous for a broad spectrum of businesses:

Receivable-Dependent Businesses: Particularly beneficial for entities heavily reliant on receivable income, such as wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and service providers. These businesses often operate on thin margins where a single default can have significant repercussions.

Financing-Seeking Businesses: Boosts lender confidence, often serving as a critical factor in securing financing. Lenders are more inclined to provide favourable terms when the receivables serving as collateral are insured, reducing the perceived risk.

Tailoring Trade Credit Insurance to Your Business Needs

In the face of economic fluctuations, trade credit insurance becomes increasingly crucial, offering businesses the confidence to venture into new markets and customer segments with the assurance of a financial safety net. This resilience is instrumental in navigating economic downturns and emerging more assertive on the other side.

Customisation Strategies

Industry-Specific Coverage: Addressing unique industry risks through tailored policies. For instance, a construction company faces different risks than a technology firm, necessitating customised coverage that reflects these differences.

Flexible Coverage Limits: Adapting coverage limits to accommodate seasonal sales variations or shifts in customer payment behaviour. This flexibility ensures that businesses are not over-insured during slow periods or under-insured during peak seasons.

Diverse Customer Portfolio: Developing policies that provide varying coverage levels based on the creditworthiness of different customer groups. This approach allows businesses to optimise their coverage based on the risk profile of their customer base, ensuring that premiums are cost-effective and aligned with actual risk exposure.

Trade credit insurance is an invaluable tool for Australian businesses, offering a strategic means to manage credit risks and bolster financial stability. It’s an intelligent choice for companies focused on safeguarding their cash flow and confidently pursuing expansion opportunities.

Engaging with Business Insurance Consulting

Engaging with Business Insurance Consulting is a wise move for further insights into how trade credit insurance can benefit your business in Australia. 


Navigating Management Liability Insurance in Australia: A Must-Have for Business Leaders

Ultimate Guide to Management Liability Insurance for Australian Businesses 2024

Securing robust management liability insurance must be balanced in the fast-paced and ever-evolving Australian business landscape. 

As businesses grapple with the complexities of legal and financial regulations, a comprehensive management liability policy becomes indispensable for protecting against unforeseen risks and liabilities. 

This detailed guide delves into the significance of management liability insurance in Australia, highlighting why it is crucial for safeguarding your business’s future.

Deep Dive into Management Liability Insurance

Management liability insurance is a critical safeguard for businesses across Australia, offering protection against risks that could lead to significant financial losses. 

This insurance is a comprehensive solution designed to shield companies from various exposures including, but not limited to, wrongful acts, employment-related liabilities, corporate criminal charges, fiduciary breaches, statutory liabilities, and penalties arising from tax audits.

Expansive Coverage: What’s Under the Umbrella?

The scope of management liability insurance is broad, providing coverage for:

  • Wrongful Acts: Offers protection against claims alleging mismanagement, misconduct, or other illegal acts by business leaders.
  • Employment Practices Liability: Shields against employee claims alleging wrongful dismissal, harassment, or discrimination.
  • Corporate Criminal Liability: Provides defence against legal actions brought for alleged corporate misconduct.
  • Fiduciary Liability: Protects individuals against claims of fiduciary duty breaches.
  • Statutory Liability: Covers penalties and fines for breaches of laws and regulations.
  • Tax Audits and Penalties: Assists with the costs associated with tax audits and any resulting penalties.

This insurance plays a pivotal role in protecting directors and officers from personal financial losses in the face of claims related to their business management activities, ensuring that legal costs are covered and peace of mind is maintained.

The Imperative Need for Management Liability Insurance

In Australia’s regulatory environment, where businesses must navigate a labyrinth of laws and regulations, management liability insurance emerges as a vital layer of defence. It acts as a financial safeguard, offering peace of mind against the risks inherent in business operations, especially in scenarios involving complex decision-making processes.

The absence of this coverage could leave personal and business assets vulnerable in the event of legal actions alleging wrongdoing. Management liability insurance ensures comprehensive protection, safeguarding your assets against such claims.

Beyond Basic Coverage: The Added Advantages

Opting for the correct management liability insurance policy can unlock access to invaluable risk management services and professional advice. These services are instrumental in helping businesses proactively identify and mitigate potential threats, ensuring operational integrity and compliance with the law.

Securing Your Management Liability Insurance

In today’s legal and financial climate, securing management liability insurance is essential for any business operating within Australia. It represents a strategic investment in your business’s resilience, offering protection and peace of mind in the face of uncertainty.

Business Insurance Consulting is at the forefront of providing tailored management liability insurance solutions that meet your business requirements. Our expertise and experience in the insurance industry make us your ideal partner in navigating the complexities of insurance coverage, ensuring your business is equipped to face challenges confidently.

Why Management Liability Insurance is Non-Negotiable

In conclusion, management liability insurance is not merely an option—Australian businesses must navigate the complexities of today’s business environment successfully. It provides a critical safety net, ensuring your business is well-prepared and protected against unforeseen challenges.

To strengthen your business with comprehensive management liability insurance, consider partnering with Business Insurance Consulting

Our commitment to excellence and tailored solutions is your advantage in securing the right coverage, empowering you to focus on leading your business to success.


Navigating the Cyber Threat Landscape: Strategies for Australian Businesses:

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Practices for Australian Enterprises 2024

In an era where digital transformation dictates the pace of business operations, Australian enterprises find themselves at a crossroads, battling the dual challenges of innovation and cybersecurity. 

The year 2024 has unfolded as a pivotal moment for cybersecurity in Australia, with businesses across the spectrum facing an unprecedented wave of cyber threats. 

This guide delves deep into the anatomy of cyberattacks and their profound impact on the Australian business landscape. It delineates a multi-faceted approach to fortifying defences against these digital onslaughts.

Understanding Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are not just disruptions; they are sophisticated, targeted actions aimed at undermining the very fabric of business operations. They manifest in various forms, from malware that cripples entire systems, phishing scams that target unsuspecting employees, ransomware that holds critical data hostage, to DoS attacks that flood networks, rendering them inoperative. 

Each variant carries challenges, requiring a nuanced understanding and strategic approach to mitigation.

The Impact on Australian Businesses

The repercussions of cyberattacks extend far beyond immediate financial losses. A single breach can erode customer trust, tarnish brand reputation, and lead to stringent regulatory penalties and operational setbacks for Australian businesses. 

The Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) latest reports underscore a stark reality – cyber threats are escalating in frequency and sophistication, making it imperative for businesses to elevate their cybersecurity posture.

Cybersecurity Strategies for Australian Businesses

The cornerstone of a resilient cybersecurity framework is a proactive, rather than reactive, stance towards potential threats. Here’s how Australian businesses can armour themselves against the digital siege:

1. Risk Assessment and Planning

  • Understanding the enemy within is the first step towards fortification. Businesses must conduct thorough risk assessments to pinpoint vulnerabilities within their digital and physical realms. Crafting a comprehensive incident response plan that is regularly updated and tested ensures that businesses know the situation.

2. Employee Training and Awareness

  • Humans often represent the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain. Cultivating a culture of cybersecurity awareness through regular, engaging training sessions can empower employees to recognise and thwart potential threats. Simulated phishing exercises and security awareness programs are invaluable tools in this endeavour.

3. Data Protection Measures

  • In the digital economy, data is currency. Encrypting sensitive information, implementing robust access controls, and conducting regular backups are non-negotiable practices. Moreover, businesses should embrace a ‘zero trust’ model, verifying every access request as if it originates from an open network.

4. Network Security Enhancements

  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keeping systems updated with the latest security patches closes doors to potential intruders. Deploying advanced firewalls, anti-malware tools, and intrusion detection systems can be formidable barriers against cyber intrusions.

5. Regular Security Audits and Monitoring

  • Complacency can be catastrophic in cybersecurity. Regular audits provide a bird’s eye view of the organisation’s security posture, enabling timely adjustments. Continuous monitoring of network traffic and logs helps detect and mitigate threats before they escalate.

6. Collaboration with Cybersecurity Experts

In the complex cybersecurity landscape, external expertise can provide a critical edge. Collaborating with specialised cybersecurity firms offers access to cutting-edge technologies and expert insights, keeping businesses ahead of potential threats.

Embracing Cyber Insurance as a Strategic Risk Mitigation Tool

In the face of escalating cyber threats, taking out cyber insurance has become a strategic necessity for Australian businesses seeking to mitigate risk comprehensively. Cyber insurance provides a financial safety net in the aftermath of a cyber incident and reinforces a business’s overall risk management strategy. It covers a range of potential financial losses, from direct damages and recovery costs to legal fees and settlements associated with data breaches and other security incidents. 

Moreover, insurers often offer valuable risk management advice and services, helping businesses enhance their cybersecurity measures and resilience against attacks. 

To explore how cyber insurance can fortify your business’s defence against digital threats, visit Business Insurance Consulting. You’ll find expert guidance tailored to your unique needs, ensuring your company has the right coverage to navigate the complex cyber landscape confidently.

As we advance through 2024, the cyber threat landscape in Australia continues to evolve, presenting new challenges and complexities. 

Australian businesses, irrespective of size or sector, must adopt a holistic and dynamic approach to cybersecurity. Understanding the nuances of cyber threats, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, and leveraging expert resources are pivotal to navigating this digital dilemma. 

In cybersecurity, vigilance, preparedness, and adaptability are the keys to resilience and success.

Protecting your enterprise from cyber threats is a journey marked by continuous learning, adaptation, and vigilance. 

The digital frontier is fraught with challenges, but with the right strategies and partnerships, Australian businesses can defend and thrive in the face of cyber adversity.

Cyberattack tops 2024 business worry list: Allianz

16 January 2024

Cyber incidents are the most pressing risk for businesses both in Australia and globally, Allianz’s latest annual risk barometer says.

In Australia, more than half of survey respondents selected cyber incidents as their number one worry, pushing that risk up from fourth spot last year. Natural catastrophes, which was the risk that took the top spot last year, came in second in Australia with just over a third of responses. 

In third place was a shortage of skilled workforce – which just under a quarter said was the most pressing risk.

Chief GM Allianz Australia Commercial Phuong Ly says anxiety over cyber in Australia “isn’t surprising” given recent high profile breaches.

“We encourage businesses to proactively understand their cyber security posture and ensure that the appropriate risk mitigations and insurance covers are in place,” he said.

In fourth spot was business interruption, followed by changes in legislation and regulation, macroeconomic developments, and climate change. Market developments was in 10th spot.

Entering the Australian top 10 worry list for the first time in the survey’s 13 years was fire and explosion, and new technologies – for example the risks posed by artificial intelligence, connected/autonomous vehicles, lithium ion batteries, electric vehicles and the Metaverse.

“This is understandable since many organisations are still grappling on how to adopt new technologies whilst balancing the ethical and safety issues,” Mr Ly said, adding that Allianz in Australia has seen a “huge impact” from lithium batteries in household appliances and e-bikes/scooters and increased claims.

Globally, cyberattack, business interruption and natural catastrophes were listed as the biggest threats to operations in the year ahead. 

The survey of 3069 risk management experts, including brokers and insurance experts, found natural catastrophes jumped from sixth spot to third. Fire/explosion and political risks/violence also jumped multiple spots.

Allianz Global Commercial CEO Petros Papanikolaou says companies around the world are grappling with digitalisation, climate change and an uncertain geopolitical environment.

“Many of these risks are already hitting home, with extreme weather, ransomware attacks and regional conflicts expected to test the resilience of supply chains and business models further in 2024. Brokers and customers of insurance companies should be aware and adjust their insurance covers accordingly,” he said.

Cyber incidents was the top peril feared in 17 countries, including Australia, France, Germany, India, Japan, the UK and the US. A data breach was seen as the most concerning cyber threat for 59% of barometer respondents, followed by attacks on critical infrastructure and physical assets, and ransomware attacks – which Allianz says in 2023 “saw a worrying resurgence in activity, with insurance claims activity up by more than 50% compared with 2022”.

Poor cyber security, especially in mobile devices, a shortage of cyber security professionals and reliance on IT outsourcing are expected to drive cyber activity this year, Allianz Commercial Global Head of Cyber Scott Sayce said. Allianz Chief Economist Ludovic Subran says lower interest rates are likely in the second half of the year, though a considerable number of elections in 2024 presents risk.

Allianz recommends improving business continuity management, identifying supply chain bottlenecks, and developing alternative suppliers as key risk management priorities for companies in 2024.

Physical damage to corporate assets from more frequent and severe extreme weather events is also a key threat, with utility, energy and industrial sectors among the most exposed. 

Net zero transition risks and liability risks are expected to increase in future as companies invest in new, largely untested low-carbon technologies, Allianz says.


Trade Credit Insurance in Australia: Essential for Business Resilience

Trade Credit Insurance Australia: Comprehensive Business Risk Management

In Australia’s competitive business environment, managing financial risks ensures business longevity and success. Trade credit insurance stands out as a critical solution, offering robust protection against the financial uncertainties associated with credit transactions. 

This detailed guide explores the concept of trade credit insurance and its significance for Australian businesses.

Understanding Trade Credit Insurance

Trade credit insurance protects businesses from losses when customers default on payments or face insolvency. It acts as a strategic risk management tool, protecting businesses from lousy debt and aiding in maintaining a healthy cash flow.

Coverage Explained

This insurance type explicitly covers the unpaid receivables, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations without the stress of unpaid invoices or accumulating debts. It is particularly relevant for businesses extending credit terms, such as 30-day payment periods, in domestic and international markets.

The Advantages of Trade Credit Insurance in Australia

Trade credit insurance offers several critical benefits for Australian businesses:

  • Risk Reduction: It significantly lowers the risk of financial losses due to customer non-payment.
  • Cash Flow Stability: Ensures access to funds otherwise locked in unpaid receivables, aiding in effective cash flow management.
  • Expansion Opportunities: Facilitates the expansion of the customer base by safely offering extended payment terms.
  • Reputation Building: Enhances the company’s credibility by demonstrating financial diligence to potential and current customers.

Operational Mechanics of Trade Credit Insurance

Implementing trade credit insurance involves thoroughly assessing a business’s credit portfolio. This evaluation helps insurers identify potential risks and formulate appropriate coverage terms.

The Coverage Process

Upon agreement, the insurer commits to covering a certain percentage of outstanding payments in case of customer payment failure. The insurer may also act legally against defaulting customers to recover incurred losses.

Who Benefits from Trade Credit Insurance?

Trade credit insurance is beneficial for a diverse range of businesses:

  • Businesses Relying on Receivable Income: Particularly advantageous for those heavily dependent on income from receivables, such as wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and service providers.
  • Businesses Seeking Financing: Enhances lender confidence, often a prerequisite for securing financing.

Implementing Trade Credit Insurance in Your Business

To effectively implement trade credit insurance:

  • Evaluate Business Needs: Assess the level of risk in your receivables and the extent of coverage required.
  • Select a Suitable Provider: Choose insurers with a deep understanding of trade credit insurance and your industry.
  • Regularly Update Coverage: Ensure your insurance coverage evolves with your business to maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

The Broader Impact of Trade Credit Insurance

Beyond individual business protection, trade credit insurance plays a significant role in the broader economic landscape. Securing businesses against credit risks creates a more stable and confident business environment. This stability is crucial for fostering growth, innovation, and investment in the Australian economy.

Economic Resilience

In times of economic uncertainty, trade credit insurance becomes even more vital. It gives businesses the confidence to explore new markets and customer segments, knowing they have a safety net against potential financial setbacks. This resilience is key to navigating economic downturns and emerging stronger.

Tailoring Trade Credit Insurance to Your Business

Every business has unique needs and risk profiles, making it essential to tailor trade credit insurance policies accordingly. Factors such as industry type, customer demographics, and transaction volumes all play a role in determining the right level of coverage.

Customisation Strategies

  • Industry-Specific Coverage: Different industries have varying risk factors. Tailoring your policy to address these specific risks is crucial.
  • Flexible Coverage Limits: Adjust coverage limits based on seasonal variations in sales or changes in customer payment behaviours.
  • Diverse Customer Portfolio: If your business deals with a wide range of customers, consider a policy that offers varying levels of coverage based on customer creditworthiness.


Trade credit insurance is an indispensable tool for Australian businesses, offering a strategic approach to managing credit risks and supporting financial stability. It’s a smart choice for businesses aiming to safeguard their cash flow and confidently pursue growth opportunities.

Engaging with Business Insurance Consulting

For more information on how trade credit insurance can benefit your business in Australia, consider consulting with Business Insurance Consulting. Our team offers expert advice and customised solutions to align with your specific business needs.


“Landlord Insurance Australia: Protect Your Investment”

For landlords and property managers in Australia, safeguarding investment properties is a top priority. Landlord insurance is essential in this effort, providing comfort and strong protection against many risks.

Business Insurance Consulting, a leader in the insurance advisory sector, specialises in providing bespoke landlord insurance solutions, ensuring your investment is well-protected.

The Vital Role of Landlord Insurance

Landlord insurance in Australia is more than just a policy; it’s a strategic safeguard for your real estate investment. Whether you’re new to investing or an experienced property owner, having the right insurance is key to keeping your property safe and successful for a long time.

Benefits of Landlord Insurance

Property Protection: Offers coverage against damage from fires, storms, vandalism, and other unforeseen events.

Rental Income Security: Ensures continuous income flow by compensating for lost rent if the property becomes uninhabitable.

Liability Coverage: Provides legal protection if someone is injured on your property, safeguarding against potential lawsuits.

Selecting the Right Landlord Insurance Policy

Choosing the appropriate landlord insurance policy involves considering various factors specific to your property. Business Insurance Consulting guides you through this process, ensuring your coverage aligns perfectly with your investment needs.

Key Considerations

Property Type and Location: Different properties and locations carry distinct risk profiles that influence insurance needs.

Tenant Demographics: The nature of your tenants can impact the type of coverage required.

Coverage Options: Options range from basic to comprehensive policies, encompassing building, contents, and liability insurance.

Strategies for Reducing Insurance Premiums

Reducing your landlord insurance premiums doesn’t have to mean sacrificing coverage. Here are some effective strategies:

Higher Deductibles: Opting for a higher deductible can significantly lower your premium.

Policy Bundling: Combining multiple insurance policies with the same provider often leads to discounts.

Enhanced Security Measures: Implementing advanced security features can reduce risk and lower premiums.

Understanding Common Claims and Coverage

Familiarising yourself with common claims helps in appreciating the value of landlord insurance:

Property Damage: Covers a range of damages, from minor repairs to major reconstruction.

Loss of Rent: Ensures you’re not out of pocket due to tenant default or property unavailability for rental.

Liability Claims: Protects against legal claims for injuries or damages occurring on your property.

The Necessity of Landlord Insurance for Investors

Investing in real estate is a significant commitment, and landlord insurance is essential for safeguarding this investment. It acts as a safety net against unexpected events that could threaten your financial stability.

Partnering with Business Insurance Consulting

Business Insurance Consulting understands the complexities of landlord insurance in Australia. Our team is committed to finding the right coverage for your property, ensuring comprehensive protection against various risks.

Our Services

  • Tailored Consultation: We assess your unique needs to recommend the most suitable policy.
  • Expert Guidance: Our consultants offer insights into market trends and best practices in landlord insurance.
  • End-to-End Support: From policy selection to claims assistance, we provide comprehensive support.

In-Depth Look at Landlord Insurance Coverage

Understanding the specifics of landlord insurance coverage is crucial for making informed decisions about your policy.

Building Insurance

Coverage Details: Protects the physical structure of your property, including walls, roofs, and fixed installations.

Additional Structures: Covers other structures on the property like garages, sheds, and fences.

Contents Insurance

What’s Covered: Protects items you provide for tenant use, such as appliances and furniture.

Valuation Methods: Understand the difference between replacement value and actual cash value coverage.

Loss of Rent

Coverage Scope: Compensates for lost rental income for various reasons, including tenant default and property damage.

Duration of Coverage: Policies typically have a limit on how long they will cover lost rent.

Liability Protection

Legal Liability: Covers legal expenses and compensation if you’re found liable for injury or property damage.

Risk Management: Tips on minimising liability risks, such as regular property maintenance and safety inspections.

Maximising Your Landlord Insurance Benefits

To get the most out of your landlord insurance, consider the following tips:

  • Regular Policy Reviews: Ensure your coverage keeps pace with changes in property value and rental market conditions.
  • Understanding Exclusions: Be aware of what’s not covered in your policy to avoid surprises during claims.
  • Claim Process Familiarity: Understand the steps in filing a claim to ensure a smooth process.


Landlord insurance is an indispensable component of Australia’s successful property investment strategy. With Business Insurance Consulting, understanding landlord insurance is easy, ensuring your property is fully protected.

Get in Touch
For expert advice and tailored insurance solutions, contact Business Insurance Consulting today. Our team is ready to assist you in protecting your investment with the right landlord insurance policy.


Third-Party Property Damage Insurance: Essential Protection for Australian Businesses:

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of Australian business, third-party property damage insurance emerges as a crucial shield, safeguarding businesses against unforeseen financial liabilities. This type of insurance plays a pivotal role in protecting businesses from the costs associated with unintentional damage to someone else’s property. Understanding its nuances is vital for every business owner in Australia, as it forms a protective layer against potential legal and financial challenges.

Understanding Third-Party Property Damage Insurance

Third-party property damage insurance is designed to cover the costs incurred when your business is legally liable for damage to another person’s property. This differs from general liability insurance, which covers a broader spectrum of risks, including bodily injury and property damage. In Australia, while not always legally mandated, this insurance is a practical necessity for businesses to protect against potentially crippling financial claims.

The Need for Third-Party Property Damage Insurance

Legal Implications: 

In the Australian legal framework, businesses can be held accountable for damages caused to third-party property. This insurance helps in compliance and protection against legal actions.

Risk Management: 

It forms a part of a comprehensive risk management strategy, enabling businesses to operate without the constant fear of financial ruin due to accidental property damage.

The Australian Landscape for Third-Party Property Damage Insurance

In recent years, Australia has seen a significant number of claims related to third-party property damage. From small mishaps in a retail store to large-scale incidents in construction sites, the spectrum of claims is vast. For instance, a plumber accidentally damaging a client’s heritage-listed wall could face substantial repair costs. Such scenarios underscore the importance of this insurance for businesses across various sectors.

Real-Life Scenarios and Case Studies

Case Studies: 

Consider the case of a Melbourne-based catering company that accidentally caused fire damage to a venue. Their third-party property damage insurance covered the extensive repair costs, saving the company from financial distress.

Statistical Analysis: 

Data shows that small and medium-sized enterprises in Australia frequently encounter third-party property damage claims, emphasising the need for adequate insurance coverage.

Key Features and Benefits

The primary feature of third-party property damage insurance is its coverage for the costs of repairing or replacing damaged property belonging to someone else. This can include legal costs if the matter escalates to litigation. The benefits are manifold:

Financial Security: 

  • It ensures that a business is not financially crippled by the costs of a third-party claim.

Peace of Mind: 

  • Business owners can operate with the assurance that they are protected against unforeseen property damage claims.

Business Continuity: 

  • It helps in maintaining smooth business operations, even in the face of potential setbacks.

Detailed Policy Features

Coverage Details: 

  • Policies typically cover the cost of repairs, legal fees, and sometimes, compensation for loss of use of the damaged property.

Customisation Options: 

  • Businesses can tailor their policies based on their specific risk exposure, choosing coverage limits and deductibles that suit their needs.

Benefits for Australian Businesses

Financial Stability: 

  • This insurance contributes significantly to the financial stability of a business, protecting it from large, unexpected expenses.

Case Examples: 

  • An Adelaide tech firm benefited from their policy when an employee accidentally damaged a client’s expensive equipment, with the insurance covering the replacement costs.

Choosing the Right Policy: Tips and Considerations

Selecting the right third-party property damage insurance policy requires careful consideration. 

Key factors include:

Business Size and Type: 

  • The coverage needs of a small consultancy firm will differ vastly from those of a large manufacturing plant.

Risk Assessment: 

  • Conducting a thorough risk assessment helps in determining the appropriate coverage levels, ensuring that the business is neither underinsured nor overpaying for unnecessary coverage.

Navigating Claims: A Step-by-Step Guide

Filing a claim for third-party property damage involves several steps:

Notify Your Insurer: 

  • Inform your insurance provider as soon as possible after an incident.


  • Gather all necessary documentation, including photos of the damage and witness statements.


  • The insurer will assess the claim to determine liability and coverage.


  • Once approved, the insurer will handle the financial aspects of the claim.


Third-party property damage insurance is an indispensable tool for Australian businesses, offering protection and peace of mind in a landscape filled with uncertainties. Its role in safeguarding the financial health of a business cannot be overstated.
For tailored advice and to ensure your business is adequately protected, consider consulting with experts like Business Insurance Consulting. Their expertise can guide you in choosing the right policy to suit your unique business needs.


Coverage and Benefits & Limitations and Exclusions: A Comprehensive Guide by Business Insurance Consulting:

In the complex realm of insurance, understanding the full scope of policy coverage, including its benefits and the critical limitations and exclusions, is essential. Business Insurance Consulting, a prominent player in the Australian insurance industry, offers a variety of specialised insurance solutions. This guide delves into their offerings, such as Management Liability Insurance, Small Business Insurance, and Home & Contents Insurance, providing an in-depth perspective for informed insurance decisions.

About Business Insurance Consulting

Business Insurance Consulting, led by the experienced Craig Graham, stands as a pillar in the Australian insurance sector. With a focus on risk management and insurance brokerage, the firm caters to a diverse clientele, ranging from small businesses to large corporations. Their approach is tailored, ensuring that both professional and personal assets are comprehensively protected. Their collaboration with leading insurance providers enables them to offer solutions that are both effective and adaptable to individual needs.

Management Liability Insurance

Coverage and Benefits

Directors and Officers Liability: This coverage is essential for protecting the personal assets of directors and officers against legal actions related to their management decisions. It covers defense costs, settlements, and judgments arising from lawsuits alleging mismanagement or other wrongful acts.

Corporate Legal Liability: This protects the company itself from legal actions, including regulatory investigations or claims made by shareholders, creditors, or regulators.

Employment Practices Liability: This coverage is designed to protect against claims made by employees alleging violations of their legal rights, such as discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or other employment-related issues.

Limitations and Exclusions

Intentional Illegal Acts: This exclusion is crucial as insurance does not cover any deliberate criminal acts or known legal violations committed by directors, officers, or the company. This means if the insured party knowingly breaks the law, any resulting claims will not be covered.

Prior Known Circumstances: Incidents or legal issues that were known to the insured before the policy began are not covered. This is to prevent claims for situations that the insured was already aware of before obtaining insurance.

Contractual Liabilities: This exclusion pertains to liabilities that arise from contractual obligations that extend beyond what statutory duties would normally impose. In other words, if a company enters into a contract that creates additional liabilities, these are not typically covered unless specifically included in the policy.

Small Business Insurance

Coverage and Benefits

Property Damage: This covers damages to the physical assets of a business, such as buildings and inventory, due to events like fire, theft, or natural disasters.

Business Interruption: This provides compensation for the loss of income and operating expenses incurred when a business must temporarily cease operations due to a covered event.

Public and Products Liability: This insurance is crucial for protecting against claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by the business’s operations or products.

Limitations and Exclusions

Contractual Liabilities: Similar to management liability insurance, this exclusion applies to liabilities that a business assumes under a contract that are beyond what would be imposed by law.

Professional Negligence: This exclusion is significant for businesses that provide professional services. Claims related to errors, omissions, or professional negligence are not covered under standard small business insurance policies and typically require separate professional indemnity insurance.

Known Risks: Any risks or issues that the business is aware of before the policy inception are generally excluded. This means that businesses cannot obtain coverage for a pre-existing situation or a risk they were already aware of.

Home & Contents Insurance

Coverage and Benefits

Building Insurance: This covers the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home in the event of damage or destruction due to insured events like fires, storms, or burglaries.

Contents Insurance: Protects your personal belongings within the home, covering losses due to theft, damage, or destruction.

Additional Living Expenses: Provides financial assistance for additional living costs if your home becomes uninhabitable due to an insured event, such as temporary accommodation costs.

Limitations and Exclusions

Natural Wear and Tear: This common exclusion means that gradual damage over time, such as aging or wear and tear of the building or contents, is not covered.

High-Value Items: Standard policies often have limits on the amount that will be paid for high-value items like jewelry, art, or antiques, unless they are specifically listed and insured on the policy.

Specific Events or Actions: Many policies have exclusions for specific events or actions, such as damage caused by vermin, mold, or poor maintenance, which are considered preventable or outside the scope of standard coverage.


Comprehending the coverage, benefits, limitations, and exclusions of insurance policies is key to securing the right protection. Business Insurance Consulting, with its expert advice and tailored solutions, ensures robust protection for both business and personal needs.
For expert guidance and personalised insurance solutions, reach out to Business Insurance Consulting. Their commitment to providing detailed, cost-effective financial solutions ensures your insurance needs are comprehensively met.


ICA encourages Government review on Queensland building resilience

Building resilience in Australian homes has been a long discussed topic in the insurance world.

With the recent catastrophic flooding in Queensland and New South Wales earlier this year (February and March 2022), the conversation has only grown even stronger. 

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has welcomed the Queensland government’s independent review of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) to ensure homes in the state remain resilient to extreme weather. 

The independent review, ‘QBCC Governance Review 2022’, discusses developers’ role in the Queensland building and construction industry, and it aims to establish a steering committee to monitor and report on the progress of QBCC’s recommendations. 

The recommendations in the review have matched the ones made by the ICA in ‘Building a more resilient Australia’, a report outlining the need to improve protections for Australians from extreme weather risks. 

ICA CEO Andrew Hall has long been outspoken on the issue, and the need for more action from the Government. 

“As the regulator of the third-largest contributor to the Queensland economy, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission has an integral role to play in improving the resilience of Queensland homes to worsening extreme weather,” said Mr Hall. 

“The ICA and insurers are pleased with the recommendations of the independent review as it drives home the urgent need to improve resilience for homes, which will directly impact on premiums for at-risk communities.” 

The Queensland government made a statement saying it supports and is committed to addressing the independent reviewer’s findings to deliver reforms that reflect outcomes sought by recommendations and review. 

It also recognised that many of the specific actions needed are complex and will need further detailed analysis before deciding how to deliver on the recommendations’ intention. 

“The Queensland government is prioritising actions that strengthen the conflicts of interest framework, improve transparency, impartiality, fairness, and consistency in the QBCC’s decision-making processes,” it said. 

“Other priorities include separating the functions of the mediation, resolution, and review unit from the QBCC licensing and compliance functions, as well as ongoing staff training to deliver a regulator with a clear focus on outcomes and customer service.”



Nearly $1 billion paid to policyholders after 2022 floods

According to the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA), almost $1 billion has been paid to policyholders after one of the most costly flood events occured in Queensland and NSW earlier this year. 

The ICA has increased the estimated insured losses for the disaster by 28% to $4.3 billion.

The only Australian catastrophes to cost more were the 1999 Sydney hailstorm ($5.57 billion), the 1974 Cyclone Tracy ($5.04 billion), and the 1967 Cyclone Dinah ($4.69 billion) on a normalised loss basis.  

The ICA had previously estimated $3.4 billion, however due to claims progression and an increase in larger commercial claims, the bill estimate has dramatically increased. 

Across NSW and QLD, there have been 216,465 claims, and more than a fifth of them are already closed. 

ICA CEO Andrew Hall says the government will have a role to play in ensuring that Australians can access insurance for future catastrophes. 

“Keeping Australia insurable as extreme weather events worsen requires governments to invest in appropriate physical mitigation and adaptation strategies,” ICA CEO Andrew Hall said.

From February 22 to March 9, intense rainfall struck Maryborough in Queensland down to Grafton in NSW. Many areas received more than half their average annual rainfall in just a week. NSW’s Lismore suffered devastating flooding as the Wilsons River exceeded the former record set in 1954 by over two metres.

As Australia continues to experience extreme weather events all across the country, it’s important to make sure that you are keeping your home and assets protected. 

Contact the team at Business Insurance Consulting to learn more about your home and business insurance today! 


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Increased fire danger in NT after record dry levels

Dry conditions in northern parts of Australia will increase bushfire threat in the region in the coming months, reports the Australian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC).

AFAC’s Season Bushfire Outlook for Winter 2022 reports that NT areas surrounding the Gulf, Victoria River and Katherine regions will face fire risks above expected levels from June to August. 

“Our colleagues in the NT are preparing the landscape and the community for the dry season, with some locations near or at record dry levels over the past three months, which increases their fire risk,” AFAC CEO Rob Webb said. 

The report forecasts a wet winter season, with above average rainfall expected in the ACT and parts of Queensland and NSW, reducing the likelihood of fire threats in those areas. 

“We have seen significant rainfall this year for much of the country, and are expecting above average rain to continue through winter,” Mr Webb said. 

However, he warns that the decreased threat poses an additional risk for traditional fire seasons later in 2022.

“While this reduces fire potential for this season, it will increase grass and fuel as we move into spring and summer. Agencies will continue to monitor local conditions and manage risks accordingly.” 

AFAC warns that deadly fires could still occur in normal fire risk zones, and suggests that all Australians remain vigilant to fire threats. 

With the devastating floods that affected Queelsnad and NSW earlier this year, it’s even more poignant that Australians are taking measures to protect their homes and businesses. 

While the Government needs to be pushed to take action to ensure that there are proper mitigation measures, Australians need to ensure they are insured against extreme weather events. 

If you need help discussing your business or home insurance options, you can talk to the team at Business Insurance Consulting to explore your options today!


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The Benefits of Using Insurance Brokers

A recent podcast series hosted by Insurance News MD Andrew Silcox discussed the benefits of using brokers, rather than buying insurance directly. 

The podcast, Insurance with INsight, is produced by Insurance News in partnership with Vero, and discusses the results of the latest Vero SME Index. 

Each year the Vero SME Index measures the effectiveness of insurance and brokers who work with small to medium-sized businesses. 

The podcast considers statistics from the Index that show broker clients are far more likely to be satisfied with the claims process than those who buy insurance direct. 

This episode features contributions from Vero’s National Manager Commercial Property Claims Kira Pellicano and Gallagher Head of Claims Adam Squire.

The Index reveals that 63% of broker clients are satisfied with the result of their claims, compared to only 42% of direct buyers. 

“99% of the problems that we have in claims are because communication has failed,” Mr Squire says.

“If a client ever rings me and says, ‘I don’t know what’s going on with my claim’, we as an industry have failed. It’s as simple as that.”

Ms Pellicano says SMEs that tap into broker expertise have access to crucial support. 

“The added benefit is then when something does go wrong, you’re not on your own and you actually have support of an insurance professional through that claims process.” 

You can listen to the episode recording here. 

Using an insurance broker can be especially beneficial for businesses, as insurance can be complicated. Having someone who understands the details of a policy can help you better understand what level of cover you may need, and avoid certain errors in claims. 

Need help with your business or home insurance? Get in touch with the team at Business Insurance Consulting today for all your insurance needs. 



Is Australia becoming uninsurable?

Earlier this year Queensland and NSW experienced extreme flooding, leaving many homes with significant damage. 

While extreme weather events are not a new phenomenon in Australia, the increased severity and frequency of them has been cause for major concern. 

A study released by the Climate Council says insurers are raising premiums to cover the increased cost of claims and reinsurance as the threat of extreme weather events grows, with the risk set to worsen unless Canberra starts acting swiftly to phase out burning coal and other fossil fuels. 

According to the report, Australia is now facing the prospect of becoming an “uninsurable nation”, with more than half a million homes (1 in 25 properties) forced to go without insurance cover in 8 years time because of climate change. 

“Climate change is creating an insurability crisis in Australia due to the worsening extreme weather and sky-rocketing insurance premiums,” the report, Uninsurable Nation: Australia’s Most Climate-Vulnerable Places, says. 

The report states that insurance will become increasingly unaffordable in major parts of the country, and there is also a possibility that insurers could decide that offering policies in high-risk areas is not viable. 

“We have a number of places in Australia where people are not insuring their homes because of cost,” Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie says. 

“So that means that those homes are effectively uninsurable.”

She further elaborates that the recent floods and the Black Summer bushfires are a “massive red flag” for the country. 

“Scientists have been saying for decades Australia is highly vulnerable to climate change risks and now we’re seeing it play out before our eyes,” Ms McKenzie said. 

According to the recent Climate Council report, NSW and Queensland account for seven of the top 10 list of federal electorates that are most vulnerable to climate change-fuelled extreme weather events such as floods and bushfires. 

The report says that about 15% of properties (165,646), or about one in every seven properties in the top 10 list will be uninsurable this decade.

These properties have projected annual damage costs equivalent to 1% or more of the property replacement cost, and are referred to as uninsurable, the report says. 

“Whilst policies might still be available, premiums are expected to become too expensive for people to afford,” it explains.

ICA has responded to the Climate Council report, with a spokesman saying that although there are some locations where there are affordability and availability concerns, there is no area of Australia that is uninsurable at present. 

“Insurance prices risk, and that means that for those in flood-prone or cyclone-prone locations, cover can be costly,” the spokesman said. 

ICA CEO Andrew Hall says that while no area is uninsurable, the question should more so be focussed on what needs to be done in these extremely high risk areas.  

“In some cases we have seen, particularly in these most recent floods, homes that are flooded three times in 10 years and so the question has to be asked ‘when you’ve got homes that are in harm’s way and are often being damaged catastrophically like this, what do we need to do’,” he said. 

Mr Hall says Australia needs to look at adaptation measures and mitigation investments to improve resilience and existing building standards. 

“We do have a problem in this country that we have got to simply address and that is more money has to go upfront to protect homes rather than in the clean-up.” he says. 

Mr Hall says an “extreme outcome” could involve relocating homes, buying the land and turning it into recreational or environmental areas. However, he adds on that people have to be given options if they choose to stay where they are. 

This “uninsurable nation” tagline has raised some debate within the industry. 

Many have said that this is an alarmist interpretation, but the report insists this is a make or break time for Australia’s insurability crisis. 

But one thing that cannot, or should not, be debated is that action must be taken on making this country more resilient to natural disasters.

If you have any questions or concerns about your home or business insurance, you can reach out to the friendly and knowledgeable team at Business Insurance Consulting! 


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High level of underinsurance in flood affected areas

The Queensland and NSW floods have caused losses reaching an estimated $2.3 billion. This devastating extreme weather event has deeply impacted many families and businesses.

A survey conducted by the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has highlighted a significant level of underinsurance among the affected communities. 

The ICA reported on March 21st that insurers had received 153,769 claims, which is a 2% increase from the previous week’s figures. 

ICA also released results from a survey of more than 1000 people from three flood-prone areas in southeast Queensland and NSW. The survey found that 37% of respondents say they wouldn’t have enough insurance to rebuild. 

Two-thirds of respondents also stated they don’t believe governments are investing enough to properly protect homes and communities from extreme weather events. More than 90% of those respondents said the spending should at least double. 

From the survey the ICA reports that an astonishing 94% of people said there should be better controls on where homes are built so they are not at risk of flood. 

On affordability and availability constraint drivers, the survey finds 47% say flood cover can be difficult or expensive to obtain due to the risk of flood, one in five says it is driven by insurer profits and 11% cite climate change. 

“The Insurance Council has long called for greater investment in measures that better protect homes and communities from the impact of extreme weather,” ICA CEO Andrew Hall said. 

“This most recent flood has unfortunately brought this issue into sharp relief, and now those directly impacted have added their voices to this call.”

The ICA survey was conducted from March 11th-14th across the Northern Rivers, Western Sydney and Greater Brisbane regions. 

If you wish to discuss your home or business insurance options, you can contact Craig from Business Insurance Consulting. 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0412 212 099


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Personal hardship assistance extended to more flood-affected areas across South-East Queensland

On March 2nd, the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) stated that insurers received 48,220 claims related to the flooding in South-East Queensland and the New South Wales coast. 

This was a 53 percent increase from the previous day’s claims count, and further demonstrated the significant impact from this event. 

37,807 of the claims were from Queensland, with the remainder from New South Wales. The New South Wales figures are expected to increase, as more policyholders return to their homes and businesses. 

Eight-four percent of the total claims relate to property, with the rest being motor vehicle claims. Insurers do not currently have an estimate of claims costs. 

The personal hardship assistance has been extended to more flood-affected individuals and families, as flooding continues to affect people across South-East Queensland. 

Grants are available through the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for eligible flood-affected residents in Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay and Somerset. The personal hardship grants have also been extended to the entire Local Government Area of Gympie Regional Council, Fraser Coast and Sunshine Coast.

The Federal Minister for Emergency Management and National Recovery and Resilience Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie said that if eligible, the DRFA assistance would provide grants of up to a maximum of $900 for a family of five or more, or $180 per person. 

“These payments are designed to cover essential items such as food and clothing for people who are doing it tough as a result of the floods, in addition to the reconnection of essential services once it’s safe to return home.” 

“Areas affected by flooding in Brisbane and Logan are currently being assessed for the provision of personal hardship financial assistance and those assessments are being progressed as a matter of priority.” 

“Brokers are contacting their clients in affected areas and are offering their assistance,” said NIBA CEO Philip Kewin. 

“The Australian and Queensland governments continue to work closely to support ongoing recovery efforts and identify where further assistance is required to ensure all flooded communities have the assistance they need to get back on their feet.”

You can find more information on Personal Hardship Assistance and Essential Services Hardship Assistance here, or contact the Community Recovery Hotline 1800 173 349. 


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Insurers step up their commitment to tackling climate change

Allianz Australia has stepped up their climate commitment in 2021 by becoming the first insurer to join Climate League 2030. 

Climate League 2030 is a private sector-focussed 10-year initiative that aims to reduce Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the targets set by the Paris Agreement in 2015. 

The Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) launched the initiative in October 2020, starting with investor participants. 

IGCC is a collaboration of both Australian and New Zealand investors focussed on the financial impact of climate change on investments. 

Supporting Climate 2030 means Allianz must commit to taking at least one new action each year that will make a demonstrable contribution to reducing Australian emissions. 

Allianz Australia MD Richard Feledy says the business is “proud” to be the first insurer to join the initiative.

“Allianz is committed to a net-zero emissions future and we are decarbonising our operations, insurance portfolio and investments to help us achieve that goal,” Mr Feledy said. 

“We believe climate risks are better mitigated when we collaborate with other organisations, industries and markets.”

“By joining initiatives such as Climate League, we hope to enable an orderly transition.” 

IGCC CEO Rebecca Mikula-Wright says hopefully more insurers will follow Allianz and join the initiative. 

“More and more investors, banks and insurers are now recognising that reducing emissions on a Paris-aligned pathway represents responsible action to secure a healthy economy for Australia,” she said.

“The Investor Group on Climate Change continues to support other organisations, including hopefully more insurance firms, to join Climate League to support a stronger 2030 national emissions reduction commitment, which will remain in focus in the lead up to COP27 in Egypt next year.”

Allianz also announced changes to reduce their ties with fossil fuels. They are removing thermal coal from proprietary investment and underwriting portfolios and in 2021 the insurer stopped insuring or investing in infrastructure facilities that derive more than half their revenue from thermal coal. 

From 2023, Allianz plans to no longer provide property & casualty insurance or make proprietary investments in companies that plan new coal mines, generate more than 25% of revenue from thermal coal mining, or produce more than 10 million tons of thermal coal annually. 

This focus on handling climate change is no new thing, and has been a hot topic in the insurance industry. 

After a turbulent year last year in terms of extreme weather events, Suncorp CEO Steve Johnston also made comments on the need to face this issue head on. 

“Call it La Nina, climate change, or just bad luck, it really doesn’t matter – the results and impacts are the same.” he said. 

“At a time when homeowners really need adequate home insurance, allowing tax revenue from insurance to keep growing due to climate change makes little economic sense.

“Pushing people out of the insurance market simply transfers the cost of the extreme weather event, and the one after, to the taxpayer.”

Mr Johnston said “climate change is an intergenerational challenge that must be tackled” by setting ambitious targets and providing support for industries and jobs impacted by the transition.

You can read more about what he had to say here

Australia continues to face extreme weather conditions each year. 

If you want to discuss your personal, home or business insurance, get in touch with us today! 

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Questions remain after cyclone reinsurance pool details are released

After announcing that they would be going ahead with the long-debated proposal, the Federal Government has quickly moved to develop a cyclone reinsurance pool. 

The draft legislation was released December 2021. It provided various details, but still left key questions regarding the pool unanswered. 

The two-week public consultation period on the draft bill closed on the 17th of December 2021, and the legislation is due to be introduced into Federal Parliament this year, and the pool is set to commence from July. This is ahead of the election due by late may this year. 

The pool will cover cyclone and related flood damage for claims that arise from the beginning of a cyclone until 48 hours after it ends. The cover includes wind, rain, rainwater, rainwater run-off, storm surge, and riverine flood damage. 

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC) will administer the scheme, and based on advice from the Bureau of Meteorology they will declare an event. The initial announcements regarding the proposed pool had referred to a region above the Tropic of Capricorn, however the new material simply refers to “cyclones in Australia”, including offshore territories such as Norfolk Island. 

The eligible policies include, household property, residential and mixed-use strata, small business, charity and not-for-profit property policies, and farm residential policies. 

However there are certain restrictions. 

Business property policies would need to have sums insured of $5 million or less and strata and community title properties will be eligible where at least 80% of the total floor space of units are used mainly for residential purposes. Business marine cover remains a work in progress and is set to be included from the middle of 2023. 

This cyclone pool will be mandatory and insurers are expected to start entering into agreements with the ARPC from July. 

Large insurers have until December 31 next year to join the scheme, and small insurers have an extra 12 months to ensure all eligible risks are reinsured with the scheme. 

The pool will be funded by insurer premiums but the scheme is backed by a $10 billion annual Government guarantee. In the case of rare cyclone activity levels that draw down the available funds, the Government guarantee can be increased after talks involving the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Financial Minister. 

Premiums determined by the ARPC will be subject to actuarial review, and won’t include a profit margin. The pricing formula is set to be finalised before July and will use property-level data such as geography, building characteristics, and mitigation. 

Treasury says key principles for the formula include that it should lower the reinsurance cost for most policies with medium-to-high exposure to cyclone risk and have minimal impact on premiums for lower cyclone-risk properties. 

The treasury says it should also maintain incentives for risk reduction and offer discounts for properties that undertake mitigation. 

From July to June 30, 2025, the cyclone pool should cover the entire cost of eligible cyclone and related flood damage claims above the policyholder excess, “to support insurer transition and maximise the potential premium reductions through the pool”. 

After that time, the pool will operate on a risk sharing arrangement with the insurers, where the pool will continue to cover a significant proportion of eligible claims. 

Insurers will continue to manage any of the claims, while the policyholders will still be able to choose their insurer. 

“The scheme is expected to improve insurance access and affordability in cyclone-prone areas, build the financial capability of affected households and small businesses to recover from natural disasters, and support the economic resilience and development of cyclone-prone areas,” the Treasury paper says.

“The scheme is also expected to increase competition by encouraging greater insurer participation in cyclone-prone areas and support higher levels of insurance coverage by property owners.” 

Pricing and the pass-through of savings from the scheme will be monitored by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commision. The first review is scheduled for three years after it commences, and every five years thereafter. 

While the scheme is expected to commence in July this year, critical issues around the setting of premium pricing are still to be determined. Debate continues about the breadth of this cover, and the expected level of savings for policyholders remains unknown. 

You can read the draft legislation, along with further details here. 


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AFCA says there is no excuse for not disclosing your claims history

A couple has lost their claims dispute after failing to remember their previous claims history when purchasing an Auto & General motor policy. 

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) has ruled that the oversight was a breach of the disclosure obligations and the insurer was entitled to decline the latest claim for damage to the couple’s vehicle. 

When purchasing their policy, the couple was asked how many claims they had made in the last five years. They indicated they were unsure whether it was one or two, and the insurer’s representative suggested that they disclose two claims. 

The couple should have disclosed four claims. If they had disclosed the full extent of their claims history, the insurer’s underwriting criteria would have ruled them out. 

“The complainants say they forgot about one of the non-recoverable claims,” the AFCA’s ombudsman said. 

“While this may have been the case, it does not change the outcome.”

“It is reasonable to expect a person to know their claims history. I do not accept forgetting means the claims history was not known to the complainants for the purpose of section 21A(5)(i) of the [Insurance Contracts] Act.”

The AFCA said that an innocent non-disclosure is still a non-disclosure, and therefore a breach of the complainant’s duty. 

“I am satisfied that, by failing to disclose two of the four claims the complainants had in the five years prior to policy inception, the complainants failed to comply with their duty of disclosure.”

“I am satisfied if the complainants disclosed their full claims history, the insurer would not have agreed to offer the policy and would not have insured the complainants.”

“Therefore, under section 28 of the Act, the insurer is entitled to reduce its liability to nil and refuse to pay the claim.” 

You can read the full ruling here.

Interested in a dedicated broker for your home or business? Contact us for your own specialised quote. 

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Worldwide losses from natural disasters on the rise

In 2021, natural disasters caused substantially higher losses worldwide when compared to the previous 2 years, according to the Munich Re 2021 Nat Cat report. 

From the data, Munich Re discovered that storms, floods, wildfires and earthquakes, and other extreme weather events destroyed assets totalling US$280 billion. This was a massive increase from US$210 billion in 2020, and US$166 billion in 2019. 

Only US$120 billion of the 2021 losses were insured, but this was up from US$82 billion in 2020 and US$57 billion in 2019. 

The United States accounts for a large share of these natural disaster losses in 2021, costing around US$135 billion. Tornadoes, tropical storms and deep freeze were the extreme weather events responsible for major losses in the USA in 2021. 

Torrential rainfall triggered severe flooding in Europe that resulted in devastating losses to local areas, especially in western Germany. Within the affected regions of Europe, this rainfall was the highest in over a hundred years. 

In the River Ahr in Rhineland-Palatinate, the flash flooding swept away countless buildings and severely damaged infrastructure, including railway lines, roads and bridges. The death toll was over 220 people. 

This natural disaster caused losses of US$%54 billion. 

In the Asia-Pacific, the losses from natural disasters remained modest in comparison. The overall economic loss was US$50 billion, with only US$9 billion being insured. 

This region accounted for 18% of overall losses, with the costliest from natural catastrophes being a severe flood in Henan Province in central China. 

Many rivers, including the Yellow River, burst their banks and hundreds of thousands of homes were flooded. 

Overall losses in the Asia-Pacific region totalled to US$16.5 billion, and only 10% of these were insured losses. 

Ernst Rauch, chief climate and geoscientist at Munich Re and head of the climate solutions unit, said the latest disaster statistics are striking as these extreme weather events are likely to only become more frequent or severe due to climate change. 

“Among these are severe storms in the USA, including in the winter half-year, or heavy rain followed by floods in Europe. For hurricanes, scientists anticipate that the proportion of severe storms and storms with extreme rainfall will increase because of climate change,” Rauch said.

“Even though events cannot automatically be attributed to climate change, analysis of the changes over decades provides plausible indications of a connection with the warming of the atmosphere and the oceans. Adapting to increasing risks due to climate change will be a challenge.”

Natural disasters in 2021 were devastating to many, and many scientists believe this will only get worse in 2022 and later as climate change continues to be a risk factor. 

Many of these catastrophic losses weren’t insured, and will leave families and businesses with long term impacts. 

If you want to discuss insurance for you or your business, get in touch


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What You Need to Know About Cyber Threats

As the internet has become an even more integral part of our lives and businesses, cyber threats have become a more prevalent danger. 

Each and every day, cyber security incidents impact small businesses, large companies and individuals. 

These cyber threats can cause devastating results for many small businesses. 

Not every owner has the time or resources to effectively manage their cyber security, so this list includes a few tips to help protect your business from cyber attacks. 

Common Cyber Threats

In order to better protect yourself against a cyber security incident, it’s important to understand what the most common cyber threats are.

Malicious Software (Malware) 

Malware is software that is created to cause disruption or damage. It can include viruses, spyware, trojans and worms. 

Criminals can use malware to access confidential information, such as bank or credit card numbers, passwords, and other personal information.

Some types of malware can gain access and take control of a user’s computer, using this information to commit fraud or identity theft. This security risk can disrupt business, and risk the security of sensitive data and intellectual property. 

Malware creators can be located anywhere, as long as they have a computer and the technical skills, criminals can easily access cheap tools to use malware against you. 

Email Scams (Phishing)

Phishing emails are a type of scam where a criminal impersonates a legitimate organisation, such as a business, via email, text message or advertisement, in order to steal sensitive information. 

Often these criminals will pretend to be an individual or organisation you think you know and trust, in order to trick recipients out of their money and data. They may use official branding and logos to mimic businesses such as banks, and make themselves seem legitimate. 

The emails or calls will most often attempt to trick businesses and individuals into performing specific actions, including: 

  • Paying fraudulent invoices, or changing payment details on legitimate invoices
  • Reveal confidential information such as bank account details, passwords and credit card numbers
  • Give remote access to your computer, device or server, through opening an attachment that contains malware
  • Purchase gift cards and send them to the scammer

Phishing attacks are becoming more common, increasingly sophisticated and even more difficult to spot. 

Always be cautious regarding urgent requests for money, changes to bank accounts, unexpected attachments and requests to confirm login details. 

If you believe a message or call might truly be from an organisation you trust, you should find a reliable contact method to confirm. 

You can search for the official website or call their advertised phone number. Do not use the links or contact details supplied in the message you have been sent or given over the phone, as these could be fraudulent. 

You can also report suspicious emails and suspected scams to Scamwatch.


Ransomware is a type of malware that locks your computer or files down until a ransom is paid. This malicious software works by locking up or encrypting files so that you can no longer use and access them. This can sometimes result in your computer crashing. 

Ransomware can be picked up in the same ways as other malware, such as:

  • Visiting unsafe and suspicious sites
  • Opening links, emails or files from unidentified sources
  • Having poor security on your network, mobile devices and servers

It’s important that you never pay a ransom. Paying for the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be restored, and it won’t prevent the stolen data from being published or sold. 

Paying the ransom can actually increase the likelihood of being targeted again. 

If you experience a ransomware incident and need support, you can call the Australian Cyber Security Centre hotline on 1300 292 371, or report the incident via ReportCyber.

Ways To Protect Yourself

In order to protect yourself and your business it’s important that you are implementing some sort of strategy to manage your software, data and online accounts. 

This can protect your computer networks from attacks, and save you the trouble of dealing with online criminals. 

Here are just a few of the things you can do within your business to improve your cyber security. 

Automatic Updates

Keeping up to date with software updates is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your business from a cyber security incident. 

An update provides you with an improved version of software, whether it’s a program, app or your operating system. 

By setting your servers, computers and mobile devices up for an automatic update, you will get software improvements as soon as they are available, helping you prevent data breaches, and improving your information security. 

Updating to the newest version of a software can help reduce the chance of a cyber criminal using a known weakness to run malware or hack your device. 

Automatic updates can also just help make your life easier, saving you time. If automatic updates aren’t available, you should regularly check for new updates. You can also set a more convenient time for your updates to occur so that you reduce disruption to your business.

If you have antivirus or security software, you should always make sure these are set to update automatically. 

Automatic Backups

A backup is a copy of your most important information, such as customer details and financial records. You can save this either on an external storage device or to the cloud. 

Setting up automatic backup creates a ‘set and forget’ system that will backup your important information without the need for human intervention. 

You should disconnect and remove your backup storage device after each back to ensure it remains secure in the event of a cyber incident. 

Backing up is a precautionary measure to keep your data accessible if it is ever lost, stolen or damaged. It gives you the room to recover in the event of a cyber incident, and helps you get back on your feet faster. 

You should test your backups regularly, and keep at least one backup disconnected from your device. 

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication is a security measure that requires two or more proofs of identity to grant you access to a device or account. 

This usually requires a combination of things:

  • Password, PIN, or security questions
  • Authenticator app, smart card, or physical token
  • A fingerprint or other biometric method

This can be one of the most effective ways to prevent unauthorised access to valuable information and accounts. 

These layers make it much more difficult for a criminal to attack your business. They might be able to steal your password, but obtaining the right combination of proofs of identity is much harder to accomplish. 

As a business you should implement MFA on all possible accounts, especially financial and email accounts. 

Access Control

Access control can help you limit access to your computer system. It can protect your business by restricting access to critical infrastructure such as; 

  • Files and folders
  • Apps
  • Databases
  • Inboxes
  • Online accounts
  • Networks

Most of your staff will not need to have full access to all data, accounts and systems to perform their job. You should restrict access to sensitive information where possible, so employees and external providers do not accidentally or purposefully endanger your business.

Having an access control system in place will allow you to;

  • Decide who needs access to files, databases and emails 
  • Control access permitted to external providers such as accountants, website hosting providers
  • Restrict access to social media and website accounts
  • Reduce damage if information becomes compromised
  • Revoke access if an employee changes roles or leaves the business

As a small business, typically the safest way is to give employees the bare minimum access and permissions they need to perform their job.


A passphrase is a more secure version of a password, and can be useful in situations where you can’t use multi-factor authentication. 

Passphrases consist of four or more random words that make up your password. For example, ‘milk bridge toenail soup’.

Passphrases are intended to be hard for cybercriminals to crack, but easy for you and your employees to remember. 

Your passphrase should be:

  • Long: the longer the better, but as a guide it should be a minimum of 14 characters
  • Unpredictable: use a mix of unrelated words, don’t use famous phrases, quotes or lyrics
  • Unique: don’t reuse your passphrase on more than one account

Employee Training

Employee training is a must when it comes to keeping your business safe from cyber attacks. You should teach yourself and your staff how to prevent, recognise and report a cybercrime. 

Your staff should know the basics, such as how to update their devices, secure their accounts and identify scam emails. 

You may also want to implement a cyber security incident response plan so your employees have a guide in the event of a cyber incident.

This will help you understand what your critical devices are, and what processes need to be in place. 

Employees can be the first line of defence against a cyber threat, so training will help change habits and behaviour to ensure cyber security is everyone’s responsibility. 

Regular awareness training is going to help keep your business safe. Scams and cyber attacks are only getting more sophisticated, and evolving as things change. Keeping your staff up to date on the latest cyber security threats could be the difference between a criminal gaining access to your vital data. 

Keep Your Business Safe

These steps should help you understand more about what cyber threats are, and some of the strategies you can use to protect yourself. 

Unfortunately, this does not mean that you will always be able to protect yourself or your business from the increasingly clever cyber threats. 

If you’re considering Cyber cover for your home, or business, contact us today for a specialised quote.

Email: [email protected]


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Action on home resilience needed to minimise impact from cyclones

$23 billion in claims costs have been generated by cyclones since 1967. 

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) says homes are not resilient enough, and the risks are expected to rise with climate change. The impacts from these extreme weather events are set to worsen unless action is taken. 

According to a report prepared by the James Cook University Cyclone Testing Station in association with Risk Frontiers, changes need to be made to the design methods and criteria for new homes to avoid an increase in the already high impacts and losses.

The report recommends that the National Construction Code should consider resilience in new property construction as well as life safety. It suggests that federal and state governments should support the development and expansion of schemes for existing homes, like the North Queensland Household Resilience Program. 

ICA CEO Andrew Hall says the National Construction Code needs to consider resilience for all new property construction if all of Australia is to remain insurable. 

“Australia’s modern houses are not resilient to the tropical cyclone hazard of today,” 

“Implementation of stronger building codes and retrofitting programs, improved land-use planning, and permanent physical mitigation measures, where necessary, will be key to ensuring an insurable Australia.” 

Australia’s most costly natural disaster was Cyclone Tracy, which hit Darwin in 1974. The cycle generated a $5.5 billion insurance bill, normalised to 2017 values. 

Recent cyclones in North Queensland, such as Yasi, Marcia and Debbie have cost $3.83 billion in insurance costs. 

The National Construction Code is updated every three years, and the next revision is due late 2022. Decisions on any updates are administered first through the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). The ABCB is made up of state and territory government representatives, the Australian Local Government Association and seven industry reps. 

“The ABCB are considering resilience initiatives and programs,” an ICA spokeswoman said. “It’s expected that consideration will take an extended period.”

If any National Construction Code amendments are made, it will still be up to each state and territory to decide whether they adopt the changes. 

The cyclone report also includes recommendations for building codes to be updated to address water ingress issues, as well as a public awareness campaign to promote regular maintenance on vital home features. 

The ICA report also suggests that it is time to invest in more fixed and mobile weather stations, and an Australian Historical Tropical Cyclone Footprint database should be developed to represent land wind speeds.

“A nationally consistent asset register could assist in improving data quality regarding housing construction type, wall construction, roof type, year of construction, renovations and retrofitting works,” the cyclone report says.  

“This information is essential for the owner of the home or future buyers as well as emergency services, insurers and banks.”

This cyclone report is the second in ICA’s Climate Change Impact Series. It follows a study released last month on the impact of actions of the sea, and there are plans for a final report on floods to be released. 

RACQ Group Executive Insurance Tracy Green says the report is a vital resource for explaining the growing risk of cyclones. 

“Australia needs insurance to be sustainable and affordable and this report complements the growing amount of evidence that investment in resilience and future-proofing our assets is long overdue,” she said. 

You can find the report here.


Adverse Weather

Adverse Weather Events to The Sum of $35 Billion For Australians

In the past ten years alone adverse weather events have cost Australians $35 billion. This figure has doubled since the 1970’s and is only set to rise. Having large implications not only for everyday Australians but also for business owners. Making it increasingly important to obtain business insurance with an adequate level of cover.

The harsh impacts of climate change and rising sea levels is set to cost our economy $100 billion per year, according to a recent report by the Climate Council. The cost of extreme weather events is set to rise rapidly, increasing the value of insurance products.

The council specifically said the world is transitioning into a “decisive and transformative” time for climate action. Immediate action needs to be taken to ensure Australia can halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

The council also mentioned that Australia has a lot to lose from climate change induced extreme weather events. On the other hand, we will see a great benefit from the zero-carbon economy. From being one of the largest exporters of fossil fuels to becoming a global leader in clean industries and renewable energy. Success is the only option.

Did you know that Australian are five times more likely to become displaced from a disaster caused by climate change than individuals residing in Europe? The cost of climate change for Australians will rise even further in the coming decades, projected to surpass $100 billion p.a by 2038.

The past few years we have experienced a “era of megafire” throughout Australia and also globally. These disasters including floods, fires and storms caused economic losses of $272 billion in 2020.

General Manager at Risk Frontiers Andrew Gissing advocates insurance having an important role in managing the increase in natural disasters.

Any business owner who isn’t confident that they are adequately insured for adverse weather events may want to consult an insurance broker, such as Craig at Business Insurance Consulting. A broker can analyse relevant product disclosure statements and find the optimum insurance for your business.

Gissing told that “climate change will see the potential for more frequent extreme weather events and with that a rise in average annual losses associated with those”

He goes on to say that minimising the risk is essential, by reducing the impacts of climate change and reducing carbon emissions.

This will lead to more affordable insurance for everyday Australians as well as Australian business owners. Creating a positive outcome for all parties involved.

There have been calls from the insurance industry for a while for reform and action nationally by both Australians and the Australian Government. With some action being taken already by various states and territories.

Craig at Business Insurance Consulting can assist you with any queries in regard to adequate insurance, for your business, in the event of adverse weather.